Forex Announcements

Martin Luther King Day Time Changes (GMT +2)

Dear Valued Investor,

Due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day, trading schedule for some of the instruments will change.

Note that all times/dates mentioned are GMT +2.

Also please be advised that due to low liquidity, the spreads could be wider than regular trading hours. 

Please note that this calendar is for reference only and change in market liquidity conditions may lead to earlier closing times on some products.

Times and dates are subject to change without prior notice.

If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us.

INSTRUMENTSymbol15.01.2024 Monday16.01.2024 Tuesday
FOREXNormal HoursNormal Hours
US SharesCLOSEDNormal Hours
EU SharesNormal HoursNormal Hours
UK SharesNormal HoursNormal Hours
MINI DOWDM01:00 - 19:58Normal Hours
MINI NASDAQNQ01:00 - 19:58Normal Hours
MINI SPES01:00 - 19:58Normal Hours
DAXDAXNormal HoursNormal Hours
FTSEFTSENormal HoursNormal Hours
NikkeiJP22501:00 - 19:58Normal Hours
Crude OilCL01:00- 21:28Normal Hours
Natural GasNG01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
CopperHG01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
SILVERSI01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
GOLDGC01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
PalladiumPA01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
PlatinumPL01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
AU. DollarADNormal HoursNormal Hours
BR. PoundBPNormal HoursNormal Hours
CD. DollarCD. DollarCDNormal HoursNormal Hours
EuroECNormal HoursNormal Hours
J. YenJYNormal HoursNormal Hours
NZ. DollarNZNormal HoursNormal Hours
Sw. FrancSFNormal HoursNormal Hours
CornC#CLOSEDNormal Hours
SoybeanS#CLOSEDNormal Hours
WheatW#CLOSEDNormal Hours
CottonCTCLOSEDNormal Hours
CocoaCCCLOSEDNormal Hours
CoffeeKCCLOSEDNormal Hours
SugarSBCLOSEDNormal Hours
Soybean OilBOCLOSEDNormal Hours
Brent OilBBNormal HoursNormal Hours
US T-BondUS01:00 - 19:58Normal Hours
Spot GoldXAUUSD01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
Spot SilverXAGUSD01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
Platinum/USDXPTUSD01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
Palladium/USDXPDUSD01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
Gold Gram/TLGAUTRY01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
Gold Gram/USDGAUUSD01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
Gold Silver/ USDGAGUSD01:00 : 21:28Normal Hours
Bitcoin/USDBTCUSDNormal HoursNormal Hours
Bitcoin Cash/USDBCHUSDNormal HoursNormal Hours
Etdereum/USDEtdUSDNormal HoursNormal Hours
Litecoin/USDLTCUSDNormal HoursNormal Hours
Dash/USDDSHUSDNormal HoursNormal Hours
Ripple/USDXRPUSDNormal HoursNormal Hours
USA 30 IndexUS3001:00 - 19:58Normal Hours
Spain 35 IndexESP35Normal HoursNormal Hours
France 40 IndexFRA40Normal HoursNormal Hours
Germany 30 IndexGER30Normal HoursNormal Hours
S&P 500 IndexSPX50001:05 - 19:58Normal Hours
NASDAQ 100 IndexNAS10001:05 - 19:58Normal Hours
UK 100 IndexUK100Normal HoursNormal Hours
Crude Oil (Brent)UKOIL01:05- 21:08Normal Hours
Crude Oil (WTI)USOIL01:05- 21:08Normal Hours
Australia 200 IndexAUS200Normal HoursNormal Hours
Japan 225 IndexJPY22502:05 - 19:58Normal Hours
Hong Kong 50 IndexHK50Normal HoursNormal Hours
U.S. Dollar IndexDXNormal HoursNormal Hours